
How Is Wealth Distributed Around The World?

Did you know the 26 wealthiest people own as much as the poorest 50% of the human population? That’s 26 vs. 3.8 billion. If this doesn’t qualify as mind-blowing content, I don’t know what does.

So let’s dive a bit deeper into these numbers and take a look at how the wealth is distributed around the world.

US citizen control around 30% of the entire’s world wealth. Before take a look at the rest of the world, let’s also take a look at the distribution of wealth within the United States. But before you watch the video, think about it for a second. You’ll be surprised about the real numbers:








Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury .

In English, Mars carries a name of the Roman god of war , and is often referred to as the Red Planet because the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance that is distinctive among the astronomical bodies visible to the naked eye.  

Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere , having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of Earth .

Internal structure

  • Like Earth, Mars has differentiated into a dense metallic core overlaid by less dense materials.
  • This iron(II) sulfide core is thought to be twice as rich in lighter elements as Earth’s.
  • The core is surrounded by a silicate mantle that formed many of the tectonic and volcanic features on the planet.
  • Elements in the Martian crust are iron, magnesium , aluminum , calcium , and potassium .
  • The average thickness of the planet’s crust is about 50 km (31 mi).
  • Earth’s crust averages 40 km (25 mi).

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The Apollo 11 Mission

NASA’s Apollo 11 mission comes to life in 19,000 hours of newly available audio.

Over the eight-day, 3-hour Apollo 11 mission, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins stayed in constant communication with mission control and supporting teams. The back-and-forth conversations, which took place over what are called communication “loops,” were released to the media, because NASA is required to make its work public. But these fragile physical recordings had to be stored in special, climate-controlled vaults. 

Now, thanks to a dedicated collaborative effort between NASA and the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas), all 19,000 hours of audio recordings from the Apollo 11 mission have been converted into a digital format and are available online. [How the Apollo 11 Moon Landing Worked (Infographic)]

NASA collection: